
Who I am

Dr. Nick Walsh

If you think you need to see a psychiatrist, it can be difficult to know how to choose the right psychiatrist for you. 

Psychiatrists are medically trained doctors, who can make a diagnosis, prescribe medication and develop a complete treatment plan with you.  Psychiatrists can have a variety of approaches and areas of expertise.

Dr Walsh looks at the whole person and is able to advise on a range of treatments, including medication, psychological therapy, physical health and lifestyle interventions, as well as practices such as yoga, meditation or mindfulness.  His approach is to work alongside his patients to help them identify their key difficulties and goals, and then develop a tailored and bespoke plan to help them recover and move forward in their lives.  

Dr Walsh has special expertise in the relationship between physical health and mental health and psychological wellbeing.  He gained extensive experience working at two of the UK’s leading teaching hospitals prior to leaving the NHS.  Dr Walsh has been a consultant for over 7 years.  He works with the Priory Group in London and can see patients face to face in London, or remotely.

In addition to his private practice, Dr Walsh sits on the CASC panel of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, which sets and oversees the final examination that all doctors must pass before they can become members of the College and obtain their ‘MRCPsych’  designation.

My Qualifications

Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) General Adult Psychiatry (with liaison endorsement)

Member of Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych)

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB)

BSC (Hons) History of Medicine 2.1